Creating a material line chart is similar to creating what we'll now call a "classic" line chart. you load the google whether the chart throws user-based events or reacts to user interaction. the explorer option allows users to pan and zoom google charts. explorer: {} provides the default explorer behavior, enabling users to pan. Google chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. try out our rich gallery of interactive charts and data tools. get started chart gallery insert_chart rich gallery. choose from a variety of charts. from simple scatter plots to hierarchical treemaps, find the best fit for your data.. All our serial charts (and actually xy chart too) can be zoomed-in, scrolled and panned. all you have to do is add a scrollbar to the chart. this is one of the most important features of charts, especially when dealing with large data sets..
To register your event handlers, you call or addonetimelistener() with the name of the chart exposing the event, the string name of the event to listen for, and the name of the function to call when that event is fired. your function should accept a single parameter that is the event that was fired.. Zoomable line charts are interactive charts that show different samples of large data as users zoom in and out. to create a zoomable line chart in the new look:. select [+] > add chart; click the line chart picture in the first category, for continuous variable charts.; to create a zoomable line chart in classic:. choose labs > zoomable line chart.; select a number column for your y-axis.. The issue seems to be with using d3.event.transform on the transform attribute. if i use mouse to zoom / drag in e.g chart1, chart2 does zoom / drag in sync, however, if i then cross to chart2 and zoom / drag, both charts "reset" to what chart2 was previously..